Hey ladies!
I just finished doing my weekend clean up and thought I'd share a helpful tip or two about the
"tossing and keeping" of your favorite beautifiers! hihi Excuse me for the perkiness. Seeing my vanity all organized gives me a natural kind of high. I'm sure it has the same effect on you too, my fellow make up lovers! =) Now let's cut to the chase, shall we?
How long should we be keeping this and that?Article per article, i've read different opinions from renowned make up artists/ beauty experts and came up with a list where almost all of them intersect. So far, this has worked mighty fine for me. I hope it does the same for you too.
1. MASCARA - 3 to 4 months
2. EYELINER - 12 months
3. LIP LINER -12 months
4. FOUNDATION - 12 months (water-based); 18 months (oil-based)
5. CREAM EYE SHADOWS - 18 months
6. BLUSH - 12 months (cream/liquid type); 2 years (powder type)
7. CONCEALER - 12 months
8. LIPSTICK - 1 to 2 years
9. POWDER EYE SHADOWS - up to 3 years
10. LIP GLOSS - 2 years
11. PRESSED POWDER - 12 months
When i got hold of my very first MAC LIP GLASS gloss at the age of 16, i wanted to keep it forever. It was a gift from my aunt and to me, it was the prettiest lip gloss i've ever set my eyes on. I told myself to use it only when i really needed to- like special occasions. Lesson learned? Make up products weren't built to last forever. I just woke up one day and found myself with a tube of dried up gloss and a broken heart. From that day on, i swore to make the most out of my little "babies".
Let's keep it real, not all palettes out there come cheap. And who wouldn't want to pass up on saving a few moolahs by regulating usage? I've been there, and i've done that. But mind you ladies, using make up way beyond the time it's designed to be used has its downside. These prettifiers serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. And bacteria leads to infection. We can't risk that, can we? Mascaras for example, have led to several eye infections- the wands of expired tubes come closest, if not almost always touch the eyeball when applied. Those days you find your eyes red and itchy? Check your mascara/ liner, darling.
Note: My list above is just a guide for everyone. Your make up products may or may not live up to the time frame mentioned above depending on the ingredients they are made of. I have read somewhere that mineral make up, because of its composition, has a longer shelf life.
As a general rule, "if it smells funky, it probably is." So go on and have a smelling-spree ladies! Toss or keep? I'm done with mine. Now's your turn..... <3
Zandra Len x
hi everyone! welcome to my virtual diary. This blog will serve as a venue for me to pour out my thoughts, ideas, rants, raves and everything in between. Everyone deserves an outlet where they can just let go, speak their mind and be themselves... this is mine.. so join me as i go through life, love and fashion.. one blog entry at a time <3
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
10 Things Every Girl Should Never Live Without #3: A NO FAIL, FUSS-FREE RECIPE.
Hi darlings!
Here's hoping this recipe brings you a little closer to home.
I don't know if it's just the cold weather today but i actually found myself in the kitchen... putting out my pots and pans to cook dinner. Now before anything else, let me just say that i'm no master chef. Heck, i'm not even a cook to begin with! hehehe
Earlier this evening, i posted photos of my cooking over the internet. And to my surprise, a lot of people asked for the recipe. So here you go guys. This blog is for you. It may not be the best recipe out there, but it sure does work for me. Simple and easy.
As a child, my grandma would often call me into the kitchen and ask me to help her slice vegetables for every amazing dish she would make for the family. There were times my 8 year old self would hesitate because it meant lesser play time. But now, you could just imagine how grateful i am of her for dragging me into those kitchen moments. I spend 6 days a week living on my own at the pad. And for every single time i crave homemade food, i am taken back to those times with her--- how she strictly wants the carrots and ginger to be uniformly sliced for her escabeche, how she precisely measures 1 teaspoon of cornstarch and not a single morsel more for her chop suey.. and so on. It's amazing how, even when i haven't even tried cooking some dishes, they turn out to taste satisfactorily well (right dad? hahaha). No recipe books. Not much help over the internet. Just memories of what my lola would do- from start to finish.
Below is my recipe for braised pork stew in brown sugar (humba).. made simple and easy! (apartment-friendly for those living away from home like me.)
I don't really know how to sequence everything so that it would appear similar to that of an online site recipe. But here's what i like to do. First, i list all the ingredients i need according to the order i'd be using them. And the rest is history. Now let's start.
> 4 eggs (if you prefer to add some to your humba. i added some to mine but took a photo just before i did. hehehe)
>5 tablespoons vegetable oil (i don't really take the measurements seriously. if i find it too little, then i add some more. it's your cooking after all!)
>1 large onion, cut into half and sliced
>5 to 8 cloves of garlic, diced
>1 kilo of pork, cut into squares (i go to good 'ol Rustans for this. conveniently cut and ready to go.)
>3 cups water
>soy sauce
>brown sugar
>5 pcs. bay leaf
>1/4 cup azucena
Ready? Here we go.
1. Fill pot with water, put eggs in and bring to a boil. If you live in a pad like me where time is of the essence and there's only 1 electric burner per cooking episode, here's what i do. Since i'll be cooking rice, i place the eggs in the rice cooker too. Just as it boils and cooks, so will the eggs. Now that's conserving time, space and energy. wink. hehe. When eggs are nicely hard boiled, peel off shell and set aside to cool.
2. Saute' onions and garlic in a pan. You'll know they're ready when the onions turn white/transparent in color. This is my favorite part. I looooove the smell of ginisa (saute')!
3. Add the pork. Mix the ingredients for about 5 minutes, just enough for the pork to be bathed in oil.
4. Add water, soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, bay leaves and azucena. Add salt and pepper to taste too. Cover pan and bring to a boil. This gives the meat time to cook and soften. Do take note: i did not specify any measurements for the soy sauce, vinegar and brown sugar since that would mainly depend on you-- if you want your humba a little on the sweet or salty-sour side.
Now here are some tips i picked up from my lola:
* When you add the sugar, don't sprinkle it directly into the pan. Some parts of it may not dissolve completely and you'll end up with a grainy humba. Place the sugar in a small bowl, and paddle out just an ample amount of water from the pan. Mix well until completely dissolved.
*Here's the weird but effective part: Drop 3 forks into the pan and allow to boil together with the rest of the ingredients. Yup. You read it right. hehe I've always wondered why lola would do this. As a child, i thought it was a magical ingredient of some sort. haha Actually, the forks help in heat conduction, allowing the meat to soften more quickly. Sssh. Not too many know this. It's a family secret. Wink.
5. Upon boiling and you find that the pork is not yet as soft/tender as you want it to be, add another cup of water and bring to a boil.
6. Taste. Add some more soy sauce/vinegar/sugar as desired.
7. Bring to another boil.
8. Simmer. Add in the hard boiled eggs. (This is the part where you remove the 3 forks too.hehe)
9. Place on a bowl. Serves 3-4. Enjoy.
Not all of us are blessed with a talented hand in the kitchen. We're lucky we weren't born in the days when the number one qualification for a woman to be "marriage material" was a knack for creating the best/yummiest dishes imaginable.( Insert sigh of relief here. hehe.) But i do believe there will always be that one recipe a woman will learn to master in her lifetime.
And you know what? To me, the secret to a wonderful dish does not lie in how famous the recipe is, how expensive/imported the ingredients are, nor how high end the utensils being used. When i cook, i think of happy thoughts. I think of the people i'm cooking for. I think of my lola. And you know something? The dish just happens to come out pretty well. Dad, my number one food taster is happy. And i couldn't be any happier. (I couldn't tag him as a food critic. He's too biased. hehe)
Here's hoping this recipe brings you a little closer to home.
all my love,
"Every woman holds a song in her heart and an apron in her kitchen...."
Saturday, May 26, 2012
10 Things Every girl should never live without #2. RED LIPSTICK. =)
Hi darlings!
I'm back! It's been quite a while since my last blog entry... eight months in hiatus to be exact! teehee hospital work and business juggled altogether make a perfect combination in keeping one from making an entry, yes indeed.
First thing's first. Succeeding blog entries from me may seem plain in terms of color and background... that's because i recently downloaded a blogger app for iphone. i find it convenient especially for busy bees like me... hehehe the only downside is that it lacks the basic settings =( just type, type, type and publish. no edits, no nothing. sigh. but not to worry. i'm crossing my fingers for an update of the app soon. Now let's carry on with the blogging, shall we?
I do recall my last post was about the 10 things every girl should never live without. We started off with the classic, all time favorite LBD. Now let's go to number 2.
Second on my list of musthaves is the red lipstick. Yes, THE red lipstick. hehehe =) Let's face it, most of us opt for the casual pale pink stains for regular days. But who doesn't feel that extra dose of glam when you swipe red lipstick on? Who hasn't gone through those nights when friends suddenly call for a spur-of-the-moment dinner and all you've got is 15 minutes tops? Bath.. check. Blow dry.. check. No time for make up? blush + red lipstick then off you go. Guilty as charged, your honor! hehehe This is so me. But what's truly amazing is that it actually works. I swipe it on my lips and no one seems to notice that i've been juggling heaven and earth in a hurry for that party. People actually think i came all prepared. I do love that fact- looking all prim and proper plus a touch of glam.. minus the effort. There are far more important things to do than spend hours and hours in front of the mirror after all! teehee
So moving on, here are my top fave red lipsticks (and some pinks and pales too! red.. pink.. nude... i'm a sucker for all things lip worthy.) . These are the ones i swear by for every party, event, date night, night out and everything in between.
1. MAC cosmetics in Russian Red.
Sigh. I love this lippie. I'm not so keen with red-orange-y hues and this lipstick is everything but. Its rich bloody red color has taken me from shoots to classy family dinners. And no, you don't need to reapply. It comes on so rich that you'll get that nice bright red color in just one swipe. Do exfoliate and moisturize your lips first before applying. Russian Red boasts of color but not too much in the moisturization department. I'm very particular with this since my lips are always dry. So don't forget to carry a trusty lip balm to match, lady loves.
2. MAC cosmetics in Ruby Woo.
This baby right here is a cult fave. Ruby Woo has that deep ruby red color (thus the name.. i presume. hehehe) that matches almost any skin type. It goes on smoothly on your lips and gives you that oh so gorgeous matte finish. I find this lippie perfect for morenas. And it's not drying on the lips too! Plus points for that.
3. CHANEL rouge allure in Famous.
Now this one, i have yet to get my hands on. I've read so much about it being one of the top faves of make up mavens the world over. They say Chanel lipsticks are known for their rich, lustrous color and unbelievably satin soft finish. I scouted the make up counters along Rustan's just recently, eager to buy myself one, only to find out that all stocks got sold out on the day they were displayed! The lady at the counter told me this lippie has its fair share of followers. Quite a number, in fact, that they get calls everyday for reservations when new stocks arrive. I went home empty handed to my dismay, but I did manage to swipe a tester on my lips. The verdict? Let's just say i find the fabulous reviews understated and i can't wait to get my own rouge allure. And when i do, you ladies better be ready for my review. Wink.
4. MAC cosmetics in Girl About Town
Those days when i find red lips too overpowering? I switch to good 'ol pink. Nothing like a lighter, bubblier and younger shade to spice up a boring day. MAC girl about town is one my absolute favorite fuchsia shades ever. It gives you just the right amount of fun, flirty and fabulous appeal. And yes, it's totally hydrating! Barbie meets Audrey. Definitely a musthave in every make up kit.
5. REVLON colorburst lip butter in Sweet Tart.
The name speaks for itself. I am in love with this lipstick because of how it amazingly moisturizes my lips! Take my word for it, it truly IS lip butter! hehehe This just came out in the market recently and at first i thought it was just another lipstick. Reading through a lot of magazines and their articles of how "drug store make up" has drastically improved and promisingly sworn to give famous make up brands a run for their money, i decided to give this baby a try. (Note: In the US, brands such as Revlon, Loreal and Maybelline are easily found in drug stores, thus the coined term.) To my amazement, this new line truly exceeded my expectations. The colors are very vibrant and so "now". They have this famous orange shade, Peach Parfait, modeled by Emma Stone. But i prefer the warm pink tone of Sweet Tart. So yes, this one right here is a keeper for me. And at a fraction of the cost of the above mentioned lippies, how can you ever resist?
I've always been a lippie girl by heart. And to cut down my favorites into five was truly hard. (Refer to above photo. The writer's everyday stash.) But there you have it ladies. I hope this entry helps you whenever you feel like updating your make up train case. Remember, it's not the brand of the lipstick, the price nor the popularity. How it suits you, how it complements your skin tone and most importantly, how it makes you feel like a million bucks is what truly matters. And when you do find that imperially gorgeous shade of lipstick you truly cannot live without, don't forget to pair it with a smile. Lots of it. Then you're good to go. Wink.
All my love,
* The writer is sporting Revlon Colorburst lip butter in Sweet Tart.
I'm back! It's been quite a while since my last blog entry... eight months in hiatus to be exact! teehee hospital work and business juggled altogether make a perfect combination in keeping one from making an entry, yes indeed.
First thing's first. Succeeding blog entries from me may seem plain in terms of color and background... that's because i recently downloaded a blogger app for iphone. i find it convenient especially for busy bees like me... hehehe the only downside is that it lacks the basic settings =( just type, type, type and publish. no edits, no nothing. sigh. but not to worry. i'm crossing my fingers for an update of the app soon. Now let's carry on with the blogging, shall we?
I do recall my last post was about the 10 things every girl should never live without. We started off with the classic, all time favorite LBD. Now let's go to number 2.
Second on my list of musthaves is the red lipstick. Yes, THE red lipstick. hehehe =) Let's face it, most of us opt for the casual pale pink stains for regular days. But who doesn't feel that extra dose of glam when you swipe red lipstick on? Who hasn't gone through those nights when friends suddenly call for a spur-of-the-moment dinner and all you've got is 15 minutes tops? Bath.. check. Blow dry.. check. No time for make up? blush + red lipstick then off you go. Guilty as charged, your honor! hehehe This is so me. But what's truly amazing is that it actually works. I swipe it on my lips and no one seems to notice that i've been juggling heaven and earth in a hurry for that party. People actually think i came all prepared. I do love that fact- looking all prim and proper plus a touch of glam.. minus the effort. There are far more important things to do than spend hours and hours in front of the mirror after all! teehee
So moving on, here are my top fave red lipsticks (and some pinks and pales too! red.. pink.. nude... i'm a sucker for all things lip worthy.) . These are the ones i swear by for every party, event, date night, night out and everything in between.
1. MAC cosmetics in Russian Red.
Sigh. I love this lippie. I'm not so keen with red-orange-y hues and this lipstick is everything but. Its rich bloody red color has taken me from shoots to classy family dinners. And no, you don't need to reapply. It comes on so rich that you'll get that nice bright red color in just one swipe. Do exfoliate and moisturize your lips first before applying. Russian Red boasts of color but not too much in the moisturization department. I'm very particular with this since my lips are always dry. So don't forget to carry a trusty lip balm to match, lady loves.
2. MAC cosmetics in Ruby Woo.
This baby right here is a cult fave. Ruby Woo has that deep ruby red color (thus the name.. i presume. hehehe) that matches almost any skin type. It goes on smoothly on your lips and gives you that oh so gorgeous matte finish. I find this lippie perfect for morenas. And it's not drying on the lips too! Plus points for that.
3. CHANEL rouge allure in Famous.
Now this one, i have yet to get my hands on. I've read so much about it being one of the top faves of make up mavens the world over. They say Chanel lipsticks are known for their rich, lustrous color and unbelievably satin soft finish. I scouted the make up counters along Rustan's just recently, eager to buy myself one, only to find out that all stocks got sold out on the day they were displayed! The lady at the counter told me this lippie has its fair share of followers. Quite a number, in fact, that they get calls everyday for reservations when new stocks arrive. I went home empty handed to my dismay, but I did manage to swipe a tester on my lips. The verdict? Let's just say i find the fabulous reviews understated and i can't wait to get my own rouge allure. And when i do, you ladies better be ready for my review. Wink.
4. MAC cosmetics in Girl About Town
Those days when i find red lips too overpowering? I switch to good 'ol pink. Nothing like a lighter, bubblier and younger shade to spice up a boring day. MAC girl about town is one my absolute favorite fuchsia shades ever. It gives you just the right amount of fun, flirty and fabulous appeal. And yes, it's totally hydrating! Barbie meets Audrey. Definitely a musthave in every make up kit.
5. REVLON colorburst lip butter in Sweet Tart.
The name speaks for itself. I am in love with this lipstick because of how it amazingly moisturizes my lips! Take my word for it, it truly IS lip butter! hehehe This just came out in the market recently and at first i thought it was just another lipstick. Reading through a lot of magazines and their articles of how "drug store make up" has drastically improved and promisingly sworn to give famous make up brands a run for their money, i decided to give this baby a try. (Note: In the US, brands such as Revlon, Loreal and Maybelline are easily found in drug stores, thus the coined term.) To my amazement, this new line truly exceeded my expectations. The colors are very vibrant and so "now". They have this famous orange shade, Peach Parfait, modeled by Emma Stone. But i prefer the warm pink tone of Sweet Tart. So yes, this one right here is a keeper for me. And at a fraction of the cost of the above mentioned lippies, how can you ever resist?
I've always been a lippie girl by heart. And to cut down my favorites into five was truly hard. (Refer to above photo. The writer's everyday stash.) But there you have it ladies. I hope this entry helps you whenever you feel like updating your make up train case. Remember, it's not the brand of the lipstick, the price nor the popularity. How it suits you, how it complements your skin tone and most importantly, how it makes you feel like a million bucks is what truly matters. And when you do find that imperially gorgeous shade of lipstick you truly cannot live without, don't forget to pair it with a smile. Lots of it. Then you're good to go. Wink.
All my love,
* The writer is sporting Revlon Colorburst lip butter in Sweet Tart.
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